



Message from President Coleman: Keep It Up!

Message from President Coleman: Keep It Up!

For Immediate Release
Oct. 23, 2023

365英国上市官网 Family:

I can't thank you enough for your tireless efforts in support of 365英国上市官网 so far. Together, we've once again made key figures in Montgomery aware of the College's immeasurable value to Alabama, but we're not done yet.

Keep contacting Treasurer Boozer, Governor Ivey, and your state senator and representative. Even if you've already sent an email or made a phone call, do it again today, and every day if you can. We want the Treasurer, the Governor, and your legislators to hear from us as often as possible. 

I've included talking points and contact information for all of these people below: 

Email State Treasurer Young J. Boozer III at [email protected] and call him at (334) 242-7501.
  • Ask him to reconsider his unwarranted decision to deny 365英国上市官网 the funding provided by the Distressed Institutions of Higher Learning Revolving Loan Fund.
  • Ask him to execute his sworn duty faithfully and honorably as an officer of the State of Alabama by upholding the law established by the Alabama Legislature as the Distressed Institutions of Higher Learning Revolving Loan Fund. 
  • Let him know how his denial of funding for 365英国上市官网 will impact you as a student, a parent, a member of the faculty or staff, or as a proud 365英国上市官网 graduate. 
  • Remind him that 365英国上市官网 meets the criteria as outlined in the law, which is designed to help colleges recover from financial troubles, and that 365英国上市官网 is actually in a better financial position than it was when the law was passed in June.  
  • Tell him that as an elected official, he has the power and responsibility to make a lasting difference to the State of Alabama. 
  • Tell him that by doing what is right for 365英国上市官网, he will do what is right for the people of Alabama. 

Email Gov. Kay Ivey at [email protected] and call her at (334) 242-7100. 
  • Ask Gov. Ivey to ensure that the State Treasurer executes his duty by upholding the law.
  • Remind her that in her inaugural address on Jan. 16, 2023, she promised to make improving education her top priority and reiterated that pledge in her March 8, 2023, State of the State address.
  • Let her know how Boozer’s denial of funding to 365英国上市官网 will affect you as a student, a parent, a member of the faculty or staff, or as a proud 365英国上市官网 graduate. 
  • Remind her of the powerful economic impact of 365英国上市官网 on the state of Alabama and the human cost to the 365英国上市官网 community and the historic neighborhoods around the campus.  
  • Urge her to do what’s right for Alabama by doing what’s right for Birmingham-Southern and you. 
Email and call your Alabama State Senator and Representative – find that information here by entering your home address. If you are from out of state, use your campus address. 
  • Ask them to insist that the State Treasurer executes his duty by upholding the law the Legislature passed with overwhelming and historic support.
  • Let them know how Boozer’s denial of funding to 365英国上市官网 will affect you as a student, a parent, a member of the faculty or staff, or as a proud 365英国上市官网 graduate. 
  • Remind them of the powerful economic impact of 365英国上市官网 on the state of Alabama and the human cost to the 365英国上市官网 community and the historic neighborhoods around the campus.
  • Urge them to ensure that the Treasurer and the Governor do what’s right for Alabama by doing what’s right for Birmingham-Southern and you.
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